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Repl engine usage documentation

This article mainly introduces the installation, use and configuration of the Repl engine plugin in Linkis.

1. Preliminary work

1.1 Engine Verification

It is strongly recommended that you check these environment variables for the executing user before executing Repl tasks. The specific way is

sudo su - ${username}
echo ${JAVA_HOME}

2. Engine plugin installation

2.1 Engine plugin preparation non-default engine

Compile the engine plug-in separately (requires a maven environment)

# compile
cd ${linkis_code_dir}/linkis-engineconn-plugins/repl/
mvn clean install

# The compiled engine plug-in package is located in the following directory

EngineConnPlugin engine plugin installation

2.2 Upload and load engine plugins

Upload the engine plug-in package in 2.1 to the engine directory of the server


The directory structure after uploading is as follows

├── repl
│   ├── dist
│   │   └── 1
│   │   ├── conf
│   │   └── lib
│   └── plugin
│   └── 1

2.3 Engine refresh

2.3.1 Restart and refresh

Refresh the engine by restarting the linkis-cg-linkismanager service

cd ${LINKIS_HOME}/sbin
sh restart cg-linkismanager

2.3.2 Check if the engine is refreshed successfully

You can check whether the last_update_time of this table in the linkis_engine_conn_plugin_bml_resources in the database is the time when the refresh is triggered.

#Login to the linkis database
select * from linkis_cg_engine_conn_plugin_bml_resources;

3. Use of Repl engine

3.1 Submit java tasks through Linkis-cli

Single method

 sh bin/linkis-cli -engineType repl-1  -code  \
"import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
public void sayHello() {
}" \
-codeType repl -runtimeMap linkis.repl.type=java

Multiple methods

 sh bin/linkis-cli -engineType repl-1  -code  \
"import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

public void sayHello() {
public void sayHi() {
}" \
-codeType repl -runtimeMap linkis.repl.type=java -runtimeMap

3.2 Submit scala tasks through Linkis-cli

 sh bin/linkis-cli -engineType repl-1  -code  \

val x = 2 + 3;
FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(\"/tmp/linkis_repl_scala_test\"));" \
-codeType repl -runtimeMap linkis.repl.type=scala

More Linkis-Cli command parameter reference: Linkis-Cli usage

Repl engine supports connection parameters:

Configuration nameRemarks and default valueIs it necessary
linkis.repl.typerepl type, supports java and scala, default value: javaOptional
linkis.repl.method.nameThe name of the method to execute. The default value is nullOptional