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Version: Next(1.7.0)

Kubernetes Deployment

This article describes how to deploy a Linkis service in a Kind Kubernetes environment for easier learning and debugging.

1. Dependencies and versions

kind github:
kind web


  • kind 0.14.0
  • docker 20.10.17
  • centos 7.6
  • helm 3.x


    1. Ensure that the component depends on the version
    1. kind means that the machine simulating node with docker container is restarted and the container has changed and the scheduler is not working anymore. This is a kind limitation and there is a detailed explanation in the official document.

2.Install the docker

2.1 Install the tutorial

sudo yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
sudo yum -y install docker-ce
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker

3. Install the kind

Step1 Manually download the kind binary

Step2 Install kind Binary

chmod +x ./kind
mv kind-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/kind

4. Install linkis

Step1 Download linkis1.3.1 deployment package


Step2 Build directory

mkdir -p /opt/data/common/extendlib

Step3 Copy driver to /opt/data/common/extendlib

curl -o /opt/data/common/extendlib/[mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar](

Step3 Reset kind (not necessary)

./bin/ reset

Step5 Pull the image

./bin/ pull

Step6 Install linkis to kind

./bin/ install -l

Step7 Run commands to view services and wait until all services are successfully started

kubectl get pods -A

Step8 Copy the ldh environment to linkis


Step9 Enabling Port Mapping

./helm/scripts/ start

Step10 Access to the system

Get the password command:
kubectl describe cm linkis-demo-linkis-config -n linkis |grep wds.linkis.admin.password

Step11 use linkis-cli executes the task

Enter the container
./helm/scripts/ cg-engineconnmanager
Executing shell tests
sh ./bin/linkis-cli -engineType shell-1 -codeType shell -code "echo "hello" " -submitUser hadoop -proxyUser hadoop
Executing hive Tests
sh ./bin/linkis-cli -engineType hive-2.3.3 -codeType hql -code "show tables" -submitUser hadoop -proxyUser hadoop
Executing spark Tests
sh ./bin/linkis-cli -engineType spark-2.4.3 -codeType sql -code "show tables" -submitUser hadoop -proxyUser hadoop
Executing python Tests
sh ./bin/linkis-cli -engineType python-python2 -codeType python -code "print(\"hello\")" -submitUser hadoop -proxyUser hadoop -confMap python.version=python